Ways to Give
Your financial gift matters and can make a difference in the lives of others.
Your tax-deductible gifts help to provide community education, financial, and emotional relief for those facing life-limiting illness.
Contributions will help families who, by your lending hand, can receive the hospice care they need, as well as financial support that contributes to their well-being, whether they are under-insured or do not have insurance.
Memorial & Tribute Gifts
A truly meaningful way to honor a loved one who has passed is to make a donation to the Residential Hospice Foundation in their memory. When you make your donation, simply tell us who to notify and their mailing address. We’ll notify them of the gift made in honor of their loved while keeping the amount confidential.
Matching Gifts
Matching gifts can double or triple your contribution and help even more!
Ask your employer whether the organization you work for participates in a matching gift program. Contact your human resources office or donate online through your company’s website.
Planned Giving
Pre-planning enables you to donate a larger amount in the event of your death than you could while alive. Make an estate plan today to ensure that your support for Residential Hospice Foundation is part of your personal legacy. It may also help reduce your income taxes.*
Different Forms of Planned Giving
Name Residential Hospice Foundation as a beneficiary in your will. You can choose to designate a specific amount or a percentage of your estate. Even a small percentage can make a big difference without substantially decreasing the amount left to your heirs.
Designate the Residential Hospice Foundation as the beneficiary of a personal insurance policy. Making small monthly contributions to the policy could add up to a substantial donation.
Let your family know that, when you die, you prefer that people donate to the Residential Hospice Foundation in lieu of flowers. You can also choose to include in your will that your estate will match any donations.
* Please consult a tax professional or estate planner for details.

Hospice is a philosophy of care that accepts death as a natural part of life. When death is inevitable, hospice seeks neither to hasten nor postpone it. Hospice provides a community-centered, patient and family focused, cost-effective way of humanely caring for terminally ill persons. Hospice provides care that establishes pain control and symptom control as appropriate clinical goals and understands that psychological and spiritual pain is as significant as physical pain.
Many people have little or no insurance coverage for hospice care and other resources. The Residential Hospice Foundation can provide much-needed assistance to help ensure comfort and peace of mind at the end of life.
The Residential Hospice Foundation is a Michigan nonprofit corporation (MICS No. 50035). The Foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please consult with your tax advisor for information about deductibility of your donation.