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Facing Financial Challenges?

How can we help? Do you or your family, or a friend need assistance with a financial need related to a terminal diagnosis?




Basic Needs Grant Application

Designed for individuals, hospice patients and/or their caregiving family members, who are experiencing financial distress due to circumstances relating to a terminal illness. Individuals who are in need may request financial assistance for quality of life items that help provide a stable living environment such as food, shelter assistance, utility services, clothing or furniture.

Grants are provided to individuals on a one-time only basis generally with a financial cap up to one-thousand dollars based on a demonstrated need.

Please contact us for more information and application requirements.

Community Event Grant Application

Designed to fund events that enhance community awareness about end-of-life issues, grief and the bereavement process as well as benefits of hospice care for those with terminal illness. Additional considerations are made for events designed to provide emotional support to those to who have lost loved one due to terminal illness.

Additional Requirements

    • Grant requests must be for charitable events only.
    • The event must be open to the public.
    • All promotional materials (printed and electronic) must include the Residential Hospice Foundation logo and indicate that the event is supported by the Residential Hospice Foundation.
    • Application must be received no later than sixty days in advance of the event date.

Please contact us for more information and application requirements.

How can we help?

The Residential Hospice Foundation helps patients and their families dealing with the emotional and financial stress of a life-limiting illness. We are also dedicated to educating the community, prospective hospice patients, and their families about end-of-life issues, grief, and the bereavement process.

To request financial assistance, submit the appropriate grant application. For additional questions and information please complete the form
on the right.